Total Scholarships funds raised in 2016: $30,889
It was January 2003 and I was working with a short-term team about 8 hours outside of Managua in a remote rural town where most of us stayed in homes with dirt floors and showers that were in the backyards. I remember telling some of the team members about the struggle that many families face throughout Nicaragua in being able to afford the costs of education. For many families it is the basic cost of buying a backpack with notebooks, pencils, eraser, scissors and the required uniform (blue pants or skirt and white shirt) and shoes. For other families, who have access to private Christian or vocational schools and want to give their kids a better education, is it affording the monthly cost of tuition which can range from $2 – $15.
One of the team members returned home and told some friends about this situation. They decided to do something about it. So as a church they raised over $5,000 and that was how this program began. That was back in 2003. Little did I know that this many years later I would still be developing this program to meet the educational needs of so many children and youth. Because the public school system is made available to all children at basically no cost, I am most passionate about helping children in our area receive school supplies each year as they continue to show a commitment to their studies. For the youth in our area who really excel and graduate from high school, I hope to be able to continue offering university scholarships.
To inquire about the program or to set up a donation, please contact