What are those kiddos up to?

I thought it would be fun to give you an update on what our children are up to these days.


Sami is nine and a half and is in third grade. So far she is definitely our most social child.  I am pretty sure she knows more people than I do.  She is full of energy and always willing to try new things.  This past month she participated in a musical at school and had a small speaking part.  She enjoys being on stage.  During the week she is very involved in the Nica Nadadores swim club and practices two to three times a week in the pool at the sports center.  Just this week she participated in a swim meet with her team.  Her favorite activities are being with her friends, swimming, gymnastics, reading, listening to music, practicing for the next talent show, and coming up with fun games to play with her brother and sisters.

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