Changes for El Salero sports center

Some of you may have heard that change is coming for the sports center. That is true.  Halle and Kathy have decided to return to Seattle, WA to be closer to their boys and their grandkids.  While this change is hard for us, we understand their desire to be closer to family.
Here we are, Halle and Kathy and myself in 2003 when they purchased the sports center property.

In making this decision, it meant that they would need to sell their properties which includes the sports center.  Ideally, they hoped and prayed that a new ministry would be interested in buying not only the sports center but also their personal properties.  At the end of February a youth ministry made a commitment to purchase all of the property.  As a ministry they are involved in running youth camps and working closely with local churches to develop youth ministries.  They have also just recently started an English program that teaches recently graduated high school students English within a year.  From everybody I have talked to about their ministry, they have nothing but positive things to say about the effect they are having in the lives of youth and the churches they partner with. So as hard as it will be to say goodbye to Halle and Kathy, I am excited about the vision this ministry has and how they plan to use the sports center.  My involvement with the sports center is a bit up in the air.  I have told the new ministry that I am willing to commit to a year of working with them and helping them transition.  They seem excited about that idea.  After a year we will reevaluate and go from there.  At this point they are actively fundraising to be able to purchase the properties so the actual change of ownership will not happen for some time, though hopefully sooner than later.

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